10 TV Comedies That Dared To Try An 11th Season

8. M*A*S*H

curb your enthusiasm

Mash was one of the first sitcoms to play with its formula and introduce audiences to the more challenging world of TV comedy-dramas. Set during the Korean War, it followed the actions of a US Army hospital, where humour was often used to combat the horrors of battle.

Frequently silly and comforting in its comedy, it starred Alan Alda as chief surgeon Hawkeye Pierce, a man who was simultaneously the show's most hilarious and sadly heartbreaking figure.

A show that could move between all-out sitcom madness to poignant drama within just a few scenes, Mash aired eleven seasons between 1972 and 1983, and was able to maintain its high quality throughout its impossibly long run.

Given its wide variety of iconic characters, all-time classic sitcom misadventures and hard-hitting drama, Mash could honestly have kept going forever if it wanted to. It was really that good.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.