10 TV Deleted Scenes That Would Have Improved Their Shows

4. Chandler's Joke Bombs - Friends

Lori The Walking Dead
Warner Bros

This deleted scene from Friends was axed because the episode it's from was set to air shortly after 9/11. At the time, it was the sensitive thing to do, but today we can look back on the sequence and enjoy it in the spirit which it was originally intended.

In The One Where Rachel Tells Ross, Chandler landed himself in hot water after making fun of a sign at the airport warning passengers not to joke about bombs. He tells a member of staff that he "takes his bombs very seriously" and is hauled into a back room by two suits who look like FBI agents for his ill-advised quip.

It's a funny sequence and the gags keep on coming as both he and Monica awkwardly dig themselves into a deeper hole during questioning. Hilariously, they're hauled back into custody seconds after being cleared when one of the agents overhears Mrs Bing on the phone to Joey, discussing a potential gas explosion.

While this scene wouldn't have altered the course of Friends history, any sitcom would benefit from extra gags, and these really hit home.


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