10 TV Losers Who Should Never Have Got The Girl

7. JD (Scrubs)

jd elliott scrubs JD has a phobia of commitment. I know Scrubs built him and Elliot up as the €œwill they / won€™t they€ relationship of the series and they obviously ended up together. But why? I mean JD treated her horribly when they were going out, especially the whole debacle with Sean. If you don€™t know, basically, JD encouraged Elliot to break things off with Sean so she could be with him, only to dump her a couple of days later. It was pretty tragic. Granted by the end of Scrubs, JD and Elliot didn€™t have any issues and were fine, but was this simply a case of €œthe series is about to end, let€™s wrap everything up€ rather than what was right for the characters at the time. I think so. JD€™s emotional maturity seemed to come out of nowhere. Rather than being a steady build up, JD appeared to have dumped all his demons following the birth of his son, Sam, and then got into a full on relationship with Elliot a couple of episodes later. It made very little sense. I don€™t dispute that JD and Elliot shouldn€™t have gotten together, eventually, but there should€™ve been more build up rather than a throwaway episode mid season where they suddenly have no emotional issues.
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