10 TV Losers Who Should Never Have Got The Girl

5. Howard (The Big Bang Theory)

howard bernie Howard and Bernadette have been in a relationship since The Big Bang Theory€™s third season... that was several years ago. It€™s hard to believe that, despite a brief break up, Howard has been able to hold down a relationship for this long. He€™s not exactly €œcool€, given his over exaggerated skills with women, his over exaggerated skills with women and his over exaggerated skills with women. It€™s a bit of a problem. He€™s also a coward, selfish, arrogant and pompous, amongst other things. But there€™s another reason as to why it€™s a shock him and Bernadette are still together: his over exaggerated relationship with his mother. In some ways, it€™s admirable, given the strong bond they share due to Howard€™s trouble upbringing. But Howard is incredibly comfortable being a mummy€™s boy, as she showers him with attention and cookies. In the same instance though, she regularly condescends and patronises him. It€™s an issue that Howard and Bernadette still need to overcome, and until Howard can distance himself from his mother, they€™ll never have an easy relationship.
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