10 TV Losers Who Should Never Have Got The Girl

4. Barney (How I Met Your Mother)

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Barney is a playboy (forgive the use of that term but it fits). He€™s all about promiscuity and having the most legen (wait for it) dary night possible. So why marry him off with Robin? The show uses Barney as a supporting player, in that you can€™t help but feel he€™s playing second fiddle to Robin, in terms of emotional screen time. We get to see how she€™s taking the relationship and all that, but Barney is relegated to cheap tricks, lies and laser tag. It€™s not entirely believable. Are we supposed to believe that Barney has completely abandoned his lothario ways? I€™m not buying it. In the style of How I Met Your Mother, we already know that Barney will try and flee the wedding. But then we also know that Robin dances with her father at the wedding, so it€™s pretty much a given that the ceremony goes through. But surely Barney€™s past will cause an issue between him and Robin? I mean it has to, surely. For a series as consistent and, continuity wise, on point, it would be a massive disservice to neglect this gaping hole.
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