10 TV Moments Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

8. The "Somersault Contest" - Home Improvement

Home Improvement Tim Allen

It goes without saying that animation can get away with much more than live-action when it comes to sneaky adult gags, but you'd be surprised how many of your favourite 80s and 90s sitcoms left filthy jokes hiding in plain sight.

Home Improvement's season three episode "It Was The Best of Tims, It Was The Worst of Tims" revolves around Tim (Tim Allen) and his wife Jill (Patricia Richardson) trying to restore some of the lost spice to their relationship, ending with the two enjoying a romantic dance and Jill dropping her bathrobe to the floor.

The final scene of the episode occurs the next morning, as their kids discuss the "somersault contest" they heard their parents having the night before.

Young Mark (Taran Noah Smith) hilariously asks why they haven't been invited to join in, only to be told, "Trust me, you don't wanna play."

Tim and Jill then finally emerge from their slumber, and when Mark asks them who won the contest, Tim replies, "Your mom won, she always wins." After Mark leaves, he asks her, "You did win, didn't you?" and she fires back, "Twice."

As far as sneaking blatantly sexual overtures into family-friendly sitcoms goes, this was pretty damn genius.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.