10 TV Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch Same Way After This

6. April Spits Her Gum Into Andy's Mouth (Or Does She?) - Parks & Recreation

Dexter Saber The Office

You might recall the nauseating scene in Parks and Recreation's season three episode "Jerry's Painting," where April (Aubrey Plaza) asks Andy (Chris Pratt) if he wants her gum, and when he responds in the affirmative she promptly spits it directly into his mouth.

At first glance you probably figured that Chris Pratt simply bit the bullet and let Aubrey Plaza spit gum in his mouth, or maybe it was a sneaky digital effect, but they in fact sprung for a third option instead.

Slow the brief, disgusting scene down and you'll be able to see that Plaza is actually sat ever so slightly behind Pratt, and so she simply spits the gum behind his head.

The proximity of the actors and perspective of the camera make it difficult to spot, especially on an initial viewing, but it's yet further proof that sometimes the simplest practical solutions are the best ones.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.