10 TV Morons Everyone Loves

9. Father Dougal Maguire - Father Ted

Dougle MaguireFrom: Father Ted Proof He's a Moron: 'Spider-Baby- It's got the body of a spider, and the mind of a baby.' 'Father Ted is essentially a sitcom about priests who aren't very good at being priests. Or very holy at all, for that matter. Father Dougal Maguire is no exception. Although none of the lead characters are particularly smart by any means, Dougal is the standout lovable moron. His inquisitive nature is only comparable to that of a young child and his sheer inability to understand such core concepts about how the world works never fails to be chuckle-worthy.

Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player. 22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.