10 TV Plot Twists EVERYONE Guessed

3. Ash = Voq - Star Trek: Discovery

Game of Thrones
CBS Television Distribution

The producers of Star Trek: Discovery went to some extraordinary lengths to hide the connection between Starfleet's Ash Tyler and the Klingon Voq. They even invented a fake actor to credit as Voq so audiences wouldn't figure out the twist ahead of time.

Sadly, none of this hard work paid off as everyone guessed it anyway.

As revealed in the episode The Wolf Inside, Voq is an albino Klingon who underwent surgery to appear more human. Tasked with infiltrating the universe's first line of defence, Voq took the name Ash Tyler and worked his way up to the crew of the Discovery.

The signs for this were all there. Tyler appears in the episode directly after Voq's disappearance, which set all sorts of alarm bells off. Also, fans suspected that the actor playing Voq was a fake when they could find no other trace of him online. Shot themselves in the foot there, didn't they.

Still, this didn't hurt the show too badly as it got decent ratings, good reviews, and scored some award nominations too. It is a little bit embarrassing though, isn't it.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.