10 TV Romances That Made Us Feel Ill

8. Lorelai - Christopher/Luke/Max/Jason, Rory - Dean/Logan - Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls Gilmore Girls 30974639 2560 1707 This is a bit of a cheat, I admit. The only coupling I have ever "approved" of in this, one of my favorite shows ever, is Rory and Jess. I know, he was a bad guy, but he turned his life around and published a book! But back to the troubled couplings. Firstly came Lorelai and Chris. Isn't he the cutest? They would have made beautiful babies. At first, I thought he was the one for her. But by the time he got his sh*t together, she was in love with Luke. That was sad. His most glorious moment was when he realized he was her second choice, and moved out of the way. She wanted to be in love with him. She really did. Flying to Paris, getting married. But everyone could see it wasn't right. Then came Max, the sweet, intelligent teacher. He was hot too! But alas, she was not in love with him, either. He was waaay to "normal" for her. Then came Jason, who I still don't get. I guess we all wanna be with a successful, rich guy at some point. He was a nice enough guy, but with a weird dog that never moved, he was not the one. And then came the One, Luke. I'm still on the fence. He was the only one that treated her wrong, towards the end. Yes, they loved each other, but at the end of the series when they kissed for that final frame, I was a little disappointed. Maybe it's the lack of sexual chemistry between the two actors, but till this day, I don't see it. I recommend that they make one more season and bring in someone super hot that will sweep her off her feet. How about Alexander Skarsgard? Yes! Now, to Rory. Firstly, unfortunate name. But regardless, she hasn't had much luck. Dean I get, I had a high-school boyfriend who was also quite tall and nice. Obviously, that ended. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the box. Now i'm gonna jump to Logan, because - WTF. WHY? Cuz he's blonde? I don't get it. Once again, must be nice to have a guy who can rent you a coffee cart, has a kick ass apartment and connections, and is part of a weird secret society. But he was SO LAME. Those squinty James Franco eyes were not doing it for me at all. THANK GOD she said no to him! Now, back to the new season with Alex S., we are going to bring back the only hot guy in all of Gilmore Land - JESS. Damn, he was smoking (pun intended). And super smart, a writer, a thinker, he had it going on. Sure he did somethings that were not super cool, but towards the end it was clear he was the one. Rory and Jess forever (more beautiful babies)!!

Born in Israel, but raised partly in the UK, Shira is rather an odd duck. She will get in your face with her opinion, but will then be super polite to the waitress serving her a cocktail, no matter how bad the service is. Movies are her passion, along with good TV, music, and Shakespeare. She loves to sing and goes to karaoke a lot, too. She will do anything creative, and will resort to finger painting if necessary. Shira also, apparently, enjoys writing about herself in third person, which is weird. But she just finished her first Fantasy novel, and it's not about her, so that's ok. Shira is very glad to be a part of WhatCulture!