10 TV Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

7. Hailee Steinfeld's Archery Skills Weren't Even Necessary - Hawkeye

Stranger Things

Clearly sensing that she'd likely be tasked with picking up the title character's signature weapon on more than a few occasions over the course of shooting Disney+'s Hawkeye, Hailee Steinfeld opted to dive straight into the world of archery from the moment she officially got the Kate Bishop green light.

Wanting to hit the ground running by the time she hooked up with Jeremy Renner's Clint Barton in Atlanta for the shoot, the incoming next-gen MCU face spent time at archery ranges and consuming online content of professional archers and thespians letting loose many an arrow in the lead-up.

Only, by the time she finally met up with her co-star, the Avenger mentor hilariously quipped to her, "Listen, you're going to get there and you're not even shooting a real arrow, it's all CGI."

So much for that, then.

Sure, it was safe to assume some of the more out-there ammunition in the form of the Pym-particle-enhanced and putty arrows were very much crafted via computer assistance. But knowing that every single arrow let loose in this Disney+ series is entirely CGI makes both Seinfeld and Renner's frequent anything-but-legit close-up unleashing of them seem a little more impressive in hindsight.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...