10 TV Scenes You'll Never See

7. Skyler Kills Herself - Breaking Bad

Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry

Ending any hit TV show in a satisfying way is extremely difficult, and before Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan arrived at the show's well-received conclusion, he considered numerous other options.

One of these involved the suicide of Walter White's (Bryan Cranston) wife Skyler (Anna Gunn).

On the final episode of the Breaking Bad Insider podcast, Gilligan revealed that he almost committed to a scene in the series finale where Skyler and Walt are kidnapped and tied up at a motel.

But just as Walt hatches a plan to save the pair of them, he opens the bathroom door and finds that Skyler has slashed her wrists in the bathtub.

As for why Gilligan ditched the scene? He said:

"I was leaning toward that and the other writers were like, 'That's a bridge too far. Let's not do that.' And they were right. I think that would have been very unnecessary."

Much as a vocal quarter of the fanbase absolutely loathed Skyler White and would've loved to see her die in the final episode, it's also easy to appreciate why Gilligan ultimately decided that orphaning Walt and Skyler's kids would just be too damn bleak.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.