10 TV Scenes You'll Never See

6. Sawyer's Tampa Job - Lost

Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry

The second episode of Lost's second season, "Adrift," is ultimately focused on Michael (Harold Perrineau), but the original plan was for it to be centered around Sawyer (Josh Holloway).

In fact, this idea got far enough that it had not only been fully written, but large swaths of the Sawyer plotline had even been filmed - namely flashbacks to the "Tampa job," a fleetingly mentioned botched con in Sawyer's past.

Little concrete is known about the filmed material beyond that, though promotional images released by ABC and spy photos from the set reveal that it would've paired Sawyer with a woman played by Jolene Blalock.

However, when it was felt that the Sawyer story was underdeveloped, filming was halted while Michael flashbacks were hastily written.

As such it's perhaps little surprise that Adrift is generally accepted to be one of Lost's weakest episodes, largely due to the disjointed nature of said flashbacks.

Needless to say, most fans would've certainly preferred to see the Tampa job play out rather than the dull slop we actually got served.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.