10 TV Scenes You'll Never See

5. 50 Direwolves Fight An Undead Dragon - Game Of Thrones

Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry

Game of Thrones' season eight episode "The Long Night" chronicles the final battle between the Army of the Dead and the armies of the living, and as action-packed as it is, one potentially awesome planned beat ended up being excised during production.

On the Filmmaker Toolkit podcast, episode director Miguel Sapochnik revealed that around 50 direwolves were set to fight an undead dragon.

As freakin' insane as this sounds, Sapochnik confirmed a bizarre rationale for cutting the sequence - he thought it would be boring to sit through. He said:

"There were many things that happened, that people would have been so happy to have happen... At some point you're like, '50 direwolves attacking an undead dragon does not a good movie make.'"

Sapochnik added that he felt it could've become "a remix of every battle we've done," but c'mon, a massive fight between an army of direwolves and a massive zombie dragon sounds wild even for Thrones' permissive standards.

What a crying shame it is that this one got scrapped mid-development.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.