10 TV Scenes You'll Never See

4. Eugene & Laura's Sex Scene - The Walking Dead

Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry

The Walking Dead's season eight episode "Time for After" was originally supposed to feature a sex scene between two supporting characters, Eugene (Josh McDermitt) and Laura (Lindsley Register).

In fact, the scene was even shot but eventually cut, with actress Lindsley Register revealing on the Talk Dead To Me podcast that the scene was largely played for laughs:

"So we go and we film it, it was really funny. If I remember right, I kiss him and he's like, 'You taste like stone fruit and applesauce.' I'm getting dressed and he's got the sheet pulled up around him, it's so cute."

But as to why the bizarre scene didn't make it to air, she added:

"It would have been too much of a subplot distraction from what was going on. So maybe from a story perspective, it just didn't work."

Given that The Walking Dead is routinely criticised for its subplot bloat, it's an understandable edit, but at the same time, the morbid curiosity factor is strong with this unreleased scene.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.