10 TV Show Moments You're Misremembering

7. Jesse Never Says "Science, B*tch!" - Breaking Bad

Family Guy Ralph Wiggum

If there's any single quote that Breaking Bad fans associate with Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), it must surely be, "Science, b*tch!," which he apparently says to Walter White (Bryan Cranston) in the seventh episode of the show's first season ("A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal").

Or does he?

If you go back and watch the episode, prepare to have your mind blown with just how wrong you've been about it all this time.

During the scene, and throughout the entire series, Jesse never once says, "Science, b*tch!" Sure, he says "b*tch!" a lot, but never paired with the word "science."

In the scene in question, Jesse actually says, "Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!," but because "Science, b*tch!" has become a widely popular Internet meme in its own right over the last decade, it's effectively rewritten everybody's memory of the scene.

The incorrect quotation was likely derived from the season five premiere "Live Free or Die," where Jesse famously says, "Yeah, b*tch! Magnets!" after using an industrial electromagnet to destroy Gus Fring's (Giancarlo Esposito) incriminating laptop.

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