10 TV Shows Boycotted For Ridiculous Reasons

2. Sesame Street Was Too Racially Integrated

lucifer poster

Okay, so you’re thinking that you might not agree with it, but boycotting Skins and The Muppets and a show called Teachers kinda makes sense, right? You’re under the impression that conservative and Christian groups are allowed to fight for their own values, correct?

Well, in theory, sure, but in reality these same groups, including one called FOCUS that was formed in 1969 to 'support freedom of choice in America,' boycotted Sesame Street when it first came on the air. Sesame Street! The show where puppets teach kids how to count! There’s just no way to justify that, and yet…

The justification to boycott Sesame Street is that groups such as FOCUS believed, and continue to believe, the show simply exists to brainwash children of the world into thinking that gay people aren’t evil and divorce is totally normal. In fact, the show is constructed to pacify kids and turn them into hippies, which is why an official state commission by the state of Mississippi back in 1970 came into being in order to ban the show from the airwaves.

The vote was meant to banish the show from impressionable children’s eyes because it featured a racially integrated cast, a fact that Mississippi was, according to their official ruling, “not ready for... yet.” Also having not ready for Sesame Street were the thousands of (insane) families across America (and probably in other parts of the world) that accused the show of being controlled solely by an evil leftist agenda meant to corrupt the youth of the world.

In this post: 
The Muppets
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Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.