10 TV Shows Creators Are Teasing Returns Soon

7. Benidorm

Tom Hardy Taboo

For those who don't know - and by that we mean those of you who aren't from the UK - Benidorm is a Spanish town best known as a popular holiday destination for working class Brits.

It's status as the ultimate cheap getaway was solidified by the sitcom of the same name, which depicted the events at a resort there over the course of 10 seasons.

The show was eventually axed in 2018, but retains a strong following to this very day. A stage show was created after it was removed from TV and there was even a fan convention in 2022 called... BeniCon.

Yes, that's actually what it was called.

At said convention, Benidorm creator Darren Litten dropped a serious hint that the Solana hotel might be reopening for one more holiday season.

Cast member Steve Pemberton cracked a joke about a potential future plot line. A few minutes later, Litten said, "Have you just announced season 11 of Benidorm?"

Whilst this may have just been a joke, it seems odd that Litten would make such a comment in front of a room of diehard fans.

Only time will tell.

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Tom Hardy
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.