10 TV Shows Creators Are Teasing Returns Soon

6. The Orville

Tom Hardy Taboo
Fuzzy Door

What do you do if you're a huge Star Trek fan but can't be on the proper show? You make you own Star Trek of course! With blackjack! And the female assassin from John Wick!

That's exactly what Family Guy head honcho Seth MacFarlane did when he made The Orville, a sci-fi comedy that lovingly ribs the OG space exploration show.

It's has built up quite a following over its three seasons, the most recent of which wrapped up in 2022. In an usual move for such a high-profile show, Hulu have not revealed whether or not the show will be coming back.

Website Bleeding Cool published a piece pondering about the show's future. Much to their delight, MacFarlane replied to them via a tweet.

Whilst he admits that it won't be easy, such a public announcement shows that he has faith that The Orville will make at least one more voyage into the final frontier.

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Tom Hardy
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.