10 TV Shows Creators Are Teasing Returns Soon

4. Taboo

Tom Hardy Taboo

In 2017, the BBC gave us Taboo, a gritty Victorian crime drama produced by Ridley Scott and starring everyone's Mum's favourite Tom Hardy.

Even at this stage, Hardy was a huge get. He'd already been Bane, Mad Max, and the Kray twins, and he gave another stellar performance here as the mysterious businessman James Delaney.

As for Ridley, his name speaks for itself.

Despite its popularity and thrilling premise, news on Taboo's future has been scarce. That is, until now.

As reported by Broadcast and summed up in the Radio Times, Hardy has met with Taboo co-creator Steven Knight to discuss the long-awaited second season.

Knight, who also worked with Hardy on Peaky Blinders, said, "I imagine that it [Taboo Season 2] will start production towards the end of next year... there are lots of people who want us to continue in that direction. It’s been a question of schedules and deciding where it goes next."

Fingers crossed that this actually comes to pass, as fans of the show have been kept in the dark for far too long.

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Tom Hardy
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.