10 TV Shows That Abandoned Awesome Ideas Halfway Through

8. Palpatine Has "Other Uses" For Maul - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Oz Buffy

Setting up several major cliffhangers in its fifth and sixth seasons, The Clone Wars met an unsatisfactory (though thankfully short-lived) end during its otherwise epic sixth season, leaving many promising plot threads unfinished.

The biggest of these maddening cliffhangers came by way of a resurfaced Maul, who, after taking over control of Mandalore and amassing an army, was hunted down by his former master, future-Emperor Palpatine, and defeated in an epic duel which also claimed the life of his brutish brother, Savage Opress.

Maul is left frightened and trapped, but Palpatine doesn't kill him, instead promising he has "other plans" for his former apprentice. It's a brilliant set-up to big things -- big things that tragically never come.

Though this plotline was picked up in the tie-in comic book Son Of Dathomir, the fact it was never picked up on the mainline show is a serious bummer, especially given how confusing it is to see Maul back in Mandalore again come The Clone War's final season.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.