10 TV Shows That Cruelly Teased What We Really Wanted To See

1. The X-Men Finally Arrive - WandaVision

WandaVision Pietro
Marvel Studios

From the very moment Disney got their hands on 20th Century Fox, fans began to dream of how the many Marvel characters that had called said studio home for so long could be introduced into the MCU.

Nearly two years on from that game-changing purchase, it appeared the moment we'd all been waiting for was finally upon us as WandaVision seemingly gave us our first taste of mutant cross-over goodness in the form of Evan Peter's Quicksilver from the Fox X-Men franchise turning up unannounced as the "recast" Pietro.

However, in a cruel turn of events, Marvel had other ideas.

Those ideas weren't necessarily all bad as they involved the story being centred around Wanda's journey towards accepting the death of her beloved Vision and her destiny to become the Scarlet Witch. Yet, they also included the reveal that this "Pietro" 2.0 was nothing more than an actor by the name of Ralph Bohner under Wanda's Westview spell.

There's no doubt that Marvel will eventually introduce their version of the X-Men when the time is right, but we'd be lying if we said we didn't feel a little burnt by this cheeky mutant bait and switch.

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X-Men 2

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...