10 TV Shows That Cruelly Teased What We Really Wanted To See

8. JD Returns... Sort Of - Scrubs

WandaVision Pietro

With Season Eight of much-loved comedy drama Scrubs wrapping up on the most satisfying of notes in 2009, boasting a closing stretch capable of reducing event the most stoic of comedy watchers to tears, most fans weren't exactly begging for a return to Sacred Heart Hospital.

However, when news of an unexpected ninth season heading to ABC broke, fans were willing to give the new Med School setting a chance, mostly due to the fact that the likes of Dr. Cox, Turk and good ol' J.D. would be returning in lead roles.

Only, that wasn't exactly the case.

Though Turk and Dr. Cox regularly held down the fort alongside a whole host of new doctors-in-training, J.D. was largely side-lined for the majority of the series, despite being heavily promoted during the lead-up.

Had the show just allowed John Dorian to ride off into the sunset for real in the wake of such a fitting Season Eight finale, we likely would've just accepted this new direction and moved on. But teasing him as a vital part of the revival and then shelving him for a ton of episodes felt like a huge letdown for loyal fans of the show.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...