10 TV Shows That Kickstarter Should Help Revive As Films

9. Party Down (2009-2010)

Party DownThe TV Show: This beloved Starz comedy aired 20 episodes over 2 seasons before it received the fatal blow of the low-ratings axe. The story followed an L.A.-based catering company and their struggling employees: a collection of aspiring actors, stunted writers, and people wandering through life without much direction. Every episode had the crew working a new event and dealing with a whole new set of people nobody wants to deal with. The show was loved by viewers and critics alike, but when Jane Lynch left for a role on Glee and Adam Scott left for Parks and Recreation, there was no stopping Party Down's final demise. The Film: Rumour has it that series co-creator John Enbom is working tirelessly on a script for a film adaptation of Party Down. Rumour also has it, however, that things aren't moving very quickly on that front. With a couple extra bucks from Kickstarter, the cast and crew can surely get rolling and the fans can€well€party down.
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Peter lives in Albuquerque with the three loves of his life: his lady, his cat, and his large library of books. When he's not acting on stage, on film, or writing on his laptop, he can generally be found on the porch with his nose buried in a book and a tall glass of whatever's cold in his hand.