10 TV Shows That Made You Love Killers

5. Watchmen - Hooded Justice

Dexter Flames

Go ahead and skip to the next entry if you don’t want any of the excellent Watchmen series spoiled for you. Then watch the show and come back because we really need to talk about Hooded Justice.

Kind of like Hanzee, Hooded Justice discovered that he would never be able to find justice for himself and his community through official channels as a black man in the 1930s. He goes outside the law, putting on the cowl of Hooded Justice. As he gets further and further developed in this vigilante life, he becomes more and more disillusioned with any powers that say they protect his community. This leads him to a tipping point where he finally turns away from any Batman-esque code of honor. Hooded justice starts to kill people. We see him do it and we hear about him doing it many more times. In the eyes of the law, he is a serial killer.

But all of that killing is situated in a setting that offers little protection and justice to black people, especially a black gay man like Hooded Justice himself. It’s heavy material, but indicative of the kind of actions that come about when the expectation of safety and equality is continually undermined.

Hooded Justice pays a price for his extreme actions, driving away those he loves, but this depiction of a man truly struggling with how to find justice in a world that denies it from him is truly compelling and forces you to empathize deeply with him.

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Reader of books, fan of horror and dogs, reviewer of film, future PhD-haver and writer of limited renown.