10 TV Shows That Most Accurately Represent Britain

2. Sunderland Til I Die

Peep Show Mark

“That’s just not cricket!”. No… no it isn’t!

It sometimes seems that the rest of the world think we Brits simply sit around sipping tea and playing cricket. Which to be honest some people do. But football (the world’s most played sport that certainly won’t be called soccer here!) is central to life in Britain with most people following their team religiously. Every pub in the land shows football and on a match day cities are overrun with fans wearing their club’s colours.

So, a list about British TV couldn’t dismiss the important role football plays in our lives and Netflix’s Sunderland Til’ I Die is a heart-breaking and accurate portrayal of life as a British football fan. Documenting the 2017-18 season, the documentary follows the trials and tribulations of Sunderland A.F.C, who spoiler alert, are relegated from their division. Now cards on the table I support Newcastle (Sunderland’s fierce rivals). But even I felt the pain of the fans in a documentary, that encapsulates the way football dictates the mood of British cities, whilst also portraying life in one of Britain’s less well-known areas.

Similarly, Amazon Prime produced their own fly on the wall football documentary, Take Me Home Leeds United, that does the same thing but for the city of Leeds.

Poor Sunderland fans must be used to being near the bottom of lists, but on the plus side they get the nod over Leeds here.


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