10 TV Shows That Weren't Worth The Controversy

8. The Continental

Star Wars Acolyte Controversy

John Wick prequel miniseries The Continental raised a lot of eyebrows before even a single episode had aired. 

Firstly there's the fact that the movie franchise's key creative, director Chad Stahelski, had minimal involvement, and then the inevitably contentious casting of Mel Gibson - ever a polarising figure if there was one - in the central villain role, which led some to swear off the three-part show entirely.

On top of this, the younger version of Winston (Colin Woodell) seems like a totally different character, right down to an American accent that sounds nothing like Ian McShane's more transatlantic twang in the John Wick movies.

These gripes left large swaths of the fanbase feeling that all the promise of a John Wick prequel series had basically been pissed up the wall.

But The Continental is such a passable, forgettable piece of entertainment that you really shouldn't get worked up about it. 

It faded from the cultural conversation within weeks of its premiere last September, and it's easy enough to just pretend it never happened at all. 

If the mainline franchise ever wants to disregard this series from the canon completely, it won't take much effort.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.