10 TV Shows That Weren't Worth The Controversy

7. Halo

Star Wars Acolyte Controversy

Paramount's much-hyped live-action adaptation of hit video game Halo proved wildly divisive with fans for many reasons. First and foremost, there was the overall feeling that it deviated too far from the source material in an attempt to broaden Halo for a wider audience.

Then there's the sacrilegious move of having Master Chief (Pablo Schreiber) keep his helmet off - something he famously never does in the games - more than he wears it. 

The final straw for many, though, was the widely derided episode where Chief had sex with a Covenant spy.

Though Halo's second season benefitted from a new showrunner who promised a more source-faithful treatment, the mediocre writing and inconsistent production values still prevented it from being anything more than... fine.

Fans continued to lament Paramount's failure to capitalise on the IP, but all the bleating turned out to be mere screaming into the void, given that the show was just recently cancelled.

And while Microsoft are planning to shop it around to other networks, given that Halo never really made much impact with either fans or the non-gaming mainstream, it seems highly unlikely to be resurrected anywhere. 

This one is destined to evaporate into the ether before Microsoft tries again sometime in the future, so there's little point getting too mad about it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.