10 TV Shows That Weren't Worth The Controversy

3. Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies

Star Wars Acolyte Controversy

Many Grease fans kicked up a fuss the moment that Paramount announced a new prequel TV series to the legendary musical, because even the movie's most ardent die-hards weren't much interested in finding out how the Pink Ladies came to be.

Beyond the reasonable enough "Who asked for this?" of it all, there were the predictably bad faith arguments about the show's diverse cast, which some felt was at odds with the extremely white, not remotely diverse membership of Rydell High we saw in the 1978 film.

But whether you were looking for an axe to grind or simply failed to see the "necessity" of a Grease Universe, the show debuted to wildly mixed reviews, with critics and fans alike noting the fatal lack of memorable songs above all else.

It was an incredibly beige show that was just so incredibly easy to ignore, as it evidently was by most, resulting in its cancellation mere weeks after its season finished airing. 

And to further underline its ephemeral quality, Paramount even removed Rise of the Pink Ladies from their Paramount+ streaming service altogether at the same time.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.