10 TV Shows That Worked Despite Their Absurd Premise

7. Naked Attraction

Black Mirror
Channel 4

One of the most bizarre genres of TV is that of reality. There are apparently no limits to the trashy depths TV creators will go to to get ratings, and as long as they keep doing it, it would seem that people will keep watching.

As these shows gets stranger and (to many) harder to watch, there are always more people tuning in. It’s a vicious cycle that has ultimately resulted in Naked Attraction, a reality dating show with one of the worst premises in the long, sad history of reality dating shows.

There have been series where people choose their dates based on personality alone, fashion sense, or even how good they are at cooking. But how about a show where a date is chosen based on absolutely nothing but what they look like naked? This is something that has somehow garnered huge popularity in the UK.

Starting with five naked options, first their bottom halves are shown and scrutinised in the most cringe-inducing way. Then the top half. Finally the head is revealed, so their naked body can be judged and compared against others. It is nothing short of trashy, horrifying, and the worst kind of undignified.

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Black Mirror
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.