10 TV Shows Utterly Ruined By Their Final Revelations
5. Lost - The Survivors Meet Up In Purgatory

No series finale of the last decade has been as absurdly anticipated and buzzed-about as Lost's, which fans hoped would bring the Oceanic 815 survivors' story to a gratifying close while resolving the countless dangling plot threads.
The final reveal, that the flash-sideways was a purgatory-like realm that allowed the central characters to "move on" together, was enormously unsatisfying for several reasons.
First and foremost, the wishy-washy, unclear nature of the purgatory itself was the wrong kind of ambiguous. And while the writers always insisted the island itself wasn't purgatory, it felt a little rich to factor a similar concept into the show's final moments.
Given the show's heady, envelope-pushing storytelling, this overly sentimental, confusing ending just felt like a slap in the face to fans expecting something bolder and smarter. It has its defenders, but it's probably even more polarising than that controversial Sopranos ending (which is really quite brilliant).