10 TV Shows With Plot Points That Go NOWHERE

8. Doctor Who - The Doctor's Daughter

Game Of Thrones

The fourth season of New Who was quite a thrill ride which gave viewers David Tennant in his prime and a slew of interesting/ground-breaking ideas. One of these was the fascinating development that saw The Doctor's DNA taken and turned into a living, breathing being named Jenny, who was his daughter for all intents and purposes.

This was such a fascinating idea, as the concept of a paternal Doctor had always been implied through his guiding hand to assistants like Sarah Jane Smith, but here was a chance to present the idea in a more literal sense. Towards the end of the episode "The Doctor's Daughter", she set off from her home planet and seemed ready to take on the entire universe. It was hard not to be invested in where the Doctor's offspring would go.

Then, she never appeared on the show again. In fact, she wasn't even mentioned, which seems ludicrous considering she's the literal flesh and blood of The Doctor brought to life, and her story ended with such an uplifting cliff-hanger. There's no real excuse for not getting the character back, and it will always be a sticking point for Doctor Who fans.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!