10 TV Shows With Plot Points That Go NOWHERE

4. Avatar The Last Airbender - Sokka The Swordmaster?

Game Of Thrones

Many people took issue with the episode "Sokka's Master" from the hit animated series Avatar The Last Airbender. This is because the entire premise of the outing revolved around the loveable goofball Sokka finally finding something that made him "useful" to team Avatar. The only issue is that fans never saw him as a useless member since he always had the best plans and even had a signature weapon - his trusty Boomerang.

Still, he found himself trained by the legendary sword master Piandao and ended up coming out on top. After learning the way of the sword, it seemed like Sokka achieved his goal of discovering a fighting style to be proud of. But, this ended up changing nothing for his character.

After gaining this new skill, Sokka essentially reverted right back to his old self, and his new weapon barely made any difference to his fighting. The sword he made for himself out of a meteorite even bowed out quickly as it plummeted from a Fire Nation airship during the climactic battle, never to be seen again.

It became clear right away that this episode was pure filler and led absolutely nowhere.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!