10 TV Universes That Make No Sense

9. Lost

Twin Peaks

As you'll find out later on in this list, messing with the space-time continuum is a very bad idea, especially if it's for the entertainment of millions of attentive viewers. Lost seemed to learn this the hard way.

When Lost first started airing, it seemed that everyone in the world was taken in by the mystery of the show. But as the seasons stretched on and on for way longer than it should have, people started to not only lose interest but lose track of the story completely!

Lost liked to play with time from the get-go, with episodes that bounced back and forth from the main island storyline to separate "past" storylines of individual characters, and this was all well and good. They probably should have left the unique structure there though. Because when they added in time travel and started hinting at time loops while simultaneously adding flash-forwards and flash-sideways into the mix, audiences were, excuse the pun, extremely lost.

For fans that managed to stick around for the entire series run, the show became less about solving a msyery and more about stopping nosebleeds brought on by stress.

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Twin Peaks
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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.