10 Unintentionally Funny Doctor Who Moments

9. The Teselecta Reveal - The Wedding Of River Song

Doctor Who The End Of Time the Master turkey
BBC Studios

Series 6 is an uneven collection of episodes. It has some all-time classics, like The Doctor's Wife and The Girl Who Waited, but its overarching narrative has been criticised by many for running out of steam as it went along. The central focus of this series is the mystery surrounding the Doctor being shot and killed at Lake Silencio by an astronaut that emerges from the water.

The final episode has also been rightly criticised for both attempting to ram far too many elements into its runtime and for the insulting resolution to this series arc.

The Doctor's astronaut murderer is revealed to be River Song, being forced to kill the Doctor by the Silence. She refuses to do so and creates a universal paradox through her refusal.

Once this has been solved, her and the Doctor return to Lake Silencio. Here, the Doctor reveals that he has actually been miniaturised and is currently riding around in a life-size robot version of himself.

Even just the written description of this moment is hilarious. So much was made of the Doctor's fate being unavoidable and yet he just avoids it by shrinking himself. You certainly can't say you saw that one coming.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.