10 Unintentionally Funny Doctor Who Moments

8. Sentient Trees Save The Earth - In The Forest Of The Night

Doctor Who The End Of Time the Master turkey
BBC Studios

The general premise of In The Forest of the Night is that everyone wakes up one morning to find that the entire world has been completely covered by a dense forest overnight. This includes Clara Oswald, Danny Pink and a group of children who were camping overnight in the Museum of Natural History in London.

It's revealed that one of the children, Maebh, is psychic and can communicate with the trees. These trees, and every other tree on the planet, are apparently intelligent, and have been defending Earth from other potentially world-ending disasters, such as the Tunguska event, for a long time.

They all decided to grow up around the world overnight to protect the Earth from an incoming solar flare, which the Doctor and Clara watch harmlessly strike the planet at the episode's climax.

Again, every tree on the planet has always been psychic and they can all grow into a massive forest overnight if they want to. Even for Doctor Who, this is a totally ludicrous plotline and a botched attempt to deliver an environmental message. The whole thing comes across as a complete parody of itself.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.