10 Unique TV Episodes That You Must See

8. Master Of None - Thanksgiving

Bojack Horseman

Six thanksgiving episodes in one.

For the U.S. sitcom, Thanksgiving episodes are almost as iconic as Christmas ones. Just like the holiday itself, they are a way of bringing the whole family together under one roof, often with tumultuous results. Aziz Ansari and Lena Waithe take it to the next level with an episode that jumps through time to show us six separate Thanksgiving Day's.

It's an experiment that works perfectly for a show that has a lot of focus on a man approaching his reflective mid-life years. This episode doesn't focus on Ansari's character however, instead pivoting around Waithe's character, her family and her 22 year-long struggle with coming out as a lesbian to her mother.

A contrast to the standard, chaotic and unauthentic Thanksgiving episode, Master of None produces one with compassion and demonstrates that issues for real families are often more complicated than who forgot to buy the turkey.

Thanksgiving would go on to win an Emmy and receive enormous praise. Master of None writers Ansari and Alan Yang are known for making each episode different to the last. Thanksgiving is the standout among them.


A music grad & screenwriting masters student hoping to put his strong grasp of the online thesaurus to good use. Will write about anything you can find on a screen or a compact disc. Except the Bee Gees. He doesn't know much about them.