10 Unlikely Characters Who'd Be Perfect For Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

3. Matt Decker

Star Trek Kelsey Grammar

Thanks to Discovery we've seen that he's already considered one of Starfleet's most decorated captains.

We've also seen him at his lowest point in the TOS episode The Doomsday Machine, his crew dead, his nerves frayed and his sanity on the razor's edge. Yes, Decker goes down like a hero, trying to stop the doomsday machine but he spends the rest of the episode acting completely insane, removing Kirk from command and putting the ship at risk.

However, if Cartwright is an example of Starfleet's worst, Decker is still an example of its best. Very likely still a captain at the point when the upcoming show takes place (or possibly a recently appointed commodore) it would be great to see a version of this character in his prime.

Seeing what Decker is like as a captain when he's playing with a full deck could be a lot of fun. It would also be nice to confirm on screen that Captain Decker, from The Motion Picture is in fact his son. We know this from word of god but giving the two a scene together would connect the story threads nicely.

So, the next time Enterprise needs backup against a serious threat, here's hoping we see Matt Decker swing in and kick some butt.


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.