10 Unused Star Trek Ship Designs We NEED To See

1. USS Emmett Till

Enterprise - F

The USS Emmett Till was designed by John Eaves for the Deep Space Nine documentary What We Left Behind. It was to be captained by Ezri Dax in the proposed eighth season and is set to be produced as a physical model in the future. However, production was delayed as the design was being altered, to allow the ship to be more in-line with the look of Star Trek: Picard.

Ira Stephen Behr spoke about the naming of the ship, which he felt was quite simple in a way. Emmett Till, the young boy who was murdered by a lynch mob for 'whistling' at a white woman, deserves to fly among the stars.

The ship has yet to appear in any version of Star Trek, other than its 2-D animated style in the documentary. This feels like one of the longest teased ships in the canon. If another season of Deep Space Nine is still a pipe-dream, then it would be wonderful to see the ship appear in Star Trek: Picard. Cristobel Rios's previous ship, the USS Ibn Majid, seems to be a variation on this design, though even that has only been seen as an illustration as well.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick