10 Unused Star Trek Ship Designs We NEED To See

3. USS Voyager - Rick Sternbach Concept

One of the original designs for the USS Voyager that came very close to making it to film was the study model shown in the clip above. Rick Sternbach designed and built this with a foam core and, in later years, has expressed a preference for this version of the ship.

The primary hull design looks strikingly similar to the Voyager-J, with a more angular arrow-head shape, rather than the oval shape of the TV version. The nacelles were swept downwards, held in place by struts that were similar to those on a Danube-class Runabout. However, much of the remaining ship is very close to the final design.

This could have been the vessel we followed for seven years but the producers rejected it, preferring a sleeker, rounder ship instead. Sternbach, though disappointed, went back to the design and edited it until the classic Intrepid style was created. With this version being honoured in Star Trek: Discovery in the Voyager-J, that leaves eight other variations on the name that haven't yet been shown on-screen. This model could easily stand-in for one of them which would finally allow this design to appear.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick