10 Upcoming Comic Book TV Shows You Need To Know About

9. iZombie

Slightly more tangential to DC Comics, iZombie was a book published as part of their Vertigo line €“ the imprint that allows creators to get away with more swearing, sexing and gory violence than they can in the mainstream superhero fare. created by writer Chris Roberson and Michael Allred, it concerned a zombie gravedigger having adventures with a ghost from the sixties and a were-terrier. The comic was mostly fairly goofy and darkly comic, with lead character Gwen's gravedigger profession affording her the brain a month she had to devour in order to maintain her memories and intelligence. When she did chow down on some grey matter she absorbed some of the deceased's memories too, €œinheriting€ their thoughts, which usually served as the impetus to the story arcs across iZombie's 28 issues, before it ended in 2012. iZombie the TV show looks a bit different. Something a loose adaptation, the series stars Once Upon A Time's Rose McIver as Liv, a former medical resident who becomes a zombie but carries on working in a morgue €“ where, like Gwen in the comic, she has easy access to tasty brains, again inheriting memories...but this time she uses them to solve murders. So it's iZombie as a police procedural, with some teen romance, since this is also destined for the CW.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/