10 Upcoming Movies That Would Work Way Better As TV Shows

1. Veronica Mars

You have to respect Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas and his co-star Kristin Bell. In March of 2013, they launched a kick-started to fund their proposed feature film take on the cult cancelled TV show, amassing $5.7 million, which was considerably more than the $2 million they had asked for. A year and a day later, the movie is set for release, a testament to crowd-funding projects that studios are too scared to bankroll themselves, and expectations are high for Veronica's first outing in 7 years. Of course, the end-game here is that we would all love to see Veronica Mars saved from cancellation and renewed after all this time, because the TV format simply allows more of what we want, and a 2-hour movie won't be enough. We can cross our fingers that the film makes more than its meager budget back and The CW (or another network) decides that it's financially viable to bring the show back. Did we miss any TV-ready movies coming out this year? As usual, sound off in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.