10 Upcoming Movies That Would Work Way Better As TV Shows

8. Pompeii

I am about 99% confident that Paul W.S. Anderson's take on the destruction of the ancient city of Pompeii is going to be a terrible film, and also that it's probably going to flop. The film costs north of $100 million, comes out in 5 weeks, and yet you'd struggle to find a single advertisement about it while walking around the UK. However, it is a great idea for a TV show, a 12-episode one-shot which shows the political events in the city leading up to the climactic eruption of Mount Vesuvius which so iconically destroyed it. BBC and HBO should team up to do one of their so-favoured co-productions, bringing on board much of the crew who worked on their excellent series Rome. They could even keep Kit Harrington and some of the other actors in there, but beef the premise and make it more epic, but also root us better in the time and place, more than a 2-hour film could ever possibly manage to. Then, the season finale is a 90-minute all-out spectacle of chaos, bringing it to a suitable close.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.