10 Upcoming Movies That Would Work Way Better As TV Shows

6. Robocop

I couldn't be any less excited for an upcoming remake/reboot than I am for the new take on action classic Robocop, which has "disaster" written all over it, from the awful look of the new suit, to the PG-13 rating, and the fact that even the director has called the shoot a "nightmare", with executive meddling probably stripping away any personality the project had at the outset. My thoughts are simply that if a studio wants to do something new with the Robocop property, then a TV series might be a better way to go. Rather than annoy the fans of the original movie, this is likely to pique their interest, as it will then have the freedom to do its own thing and go in a completely different direction once the concept has been established. It would obviously need to be high-budget, so it seems like something FOX or ABC would probably take on, though at the same time, neither network is particularly fond of swearing or graphic violence, so that is one compromise that would have to be made. Still, this is a concept meaty enough that a 24-episode series might actually work. We can get to know the new character, Alex Murphy or whatever his name might be, as he adjusts to his new life, along with all the complications that entails. We'd need to have name actors playing Clarence Boddicker-esque villains, and as long as it was far away from the awful 1994 kid-friendly TV series, then it'd be worth sacrificing the foul language and swearing. But it has to be satirical still, that's a deal breaker.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.