10 Ways Clara Could Leave Doctor Who

1. Saving The Doctor

Although the mystery surrounding Clara has now been solved and will be left aside to give her the chance to grow as a character in her own right, on some level she will always be the Impossible Girl. Which is why it would make sense for her final fate to tie into this in some way. The Name Of The Doctor (2013) established that there were millions of Claras in millions of times and places; all running to save the Doctor. From his very beginnings on Gallifrey to his battle against the Great Intelligence on Trenzalore. But what about after that? Although the timeline with the Doctor€™s grave was aborted; as the Doctor, Clara, and the Great Intelligence are time travellers, it still happened for them. And despite its suicide, it€™s always possible the Great Intelligence to make a comeback since it is pure information You can€™t kill information just like you can€™t kill an idea. A final battle with the Great Intelligence would be a nice bookend to Clara€™s time with the Doctor; saving the Doctor from it at both the start and finish of her time with him, and fulfilling the same destiny as the millions of other Claras out there. How do you think Clara could leave? Would you be sorry to see her go? Let us know in the comments section below...

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.