10 Ways Clara Could Leave Doctor Who

10. She Can't Get Over The Regeneration

It looks like this one will be put to bed one way or the other by the end of Series 8 but for now, it remains an open possibility. Despite Clara€™s angry rebuff to Vastra€™s accusations of her being shallow, and her acceptance of the Twelfth Doctor at the end of Deep Breath, the question remains of whether or not Clara can get over the Doctor€™s Regeneration. Because it€™s not just a case of the Doctor no longer being her €œdashing young gentleman friend€, it€™s a fundamental change in almost everything about him. While the watchword for Regeneration is €œSame man, different face€, the Doctor€™s new personality is a radical departure from what Clara was used to. The physically affectionate manchild she knew has been replaced by a much sterner and more abrasive figure. Which is likely to be something she will struggle to adjust to. In the end it may turn out that the vast change in personality is too much for her to deal with. Though using this as a reason for Clara€™s departure would doing the character something of a disservice. Particularly since she has personally met four different Doctors by this point.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.