10 Ways Modern Family Is Not Like Modern Families

2. They All Get On Fantastically

More or less, everybody in the family gets on. Sure Alex, Haley and Luke have their spats, and Jay isn't particularly fond of Phil, but generally speaking it is one big happy family. Whilst everyone knows about sibling rivalry, rates of sibling bullying are actually surprisingly high, with 75% of people with a sibling reporting having been bullied by them, and 85% reporting bullying their sibling. Sibling bullying is actually one of the most damaging forms of bullying, despite often being entirely overlooked as just a normal part of growing up. Once again, this isn't really something that viewers would want to see portrayed on Modern Family. After all, whilst it does entwine some social commentary into its humour, it is primarily a show that's designed to make us laugh.

Currently living the dream by studying in Wales and writing articles about the things I love for beer money. My proudest achievements are teaching myself Accordion and getting my head round the off-side rule.