10 Ways That iZombie Is Basically Veronica Mars

1. Crisis Cliffhanger

On Veronica Mars: In a shocking twist, Veronica learns that it was not a member of the Kane family who was responsible for Lilly's murder; the killer was in fact Aaron Echolls, who had been engaged in a secret sexual relationship with Lilly. Aaron learns that Veronica had uncovered the truth and gives chase to eliminate her as a threat before she can expose him. Although he comes very close to ending her life, she is ultimately saved by the timely appearance of her father. In saving her, however, Keith is gravely injured and taken to the hospital with terrible burns. When last seen in Season 1, he is bedridden in the hospital. On iZombie: In a terrible twist of fate, the successful destruction of Blaine's cannibalistic headquarters Meat Cute via accelerated inferno caught new employee Evan Moore as he headed in for his first day of work. When last seen in Season 1, Evan's vitals are crashing in a Seattle hospital as the trauma requires more blood transfused than the facility has available. His mother is relieved when Liv - who shares a blood type with her brother and had received his blood in the past - arrives; Liv realizes that her zombism that she could have cured only hours beforehand prevents her from definitively saving her brother's life.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .