10 Ways The Simpsons Could Save Itself

6. Listen To The Fans

Fans fuel the success of any television show, and The Simpsons fans are some of the most hardcore bunch you're likely to find in the pop culture landscape. With the internet age fully upon us (they have it on computers now), it's far too easy to share your every thought, complaint and idea online. Although there are no doubt always differing opinions, so many of the reasons why fans love The Simpsons are one and the same. They know what's funny and what worked about the classic episodes. More importantly, they know what's wrong with the newer episodes, and they're not shy venting about it. The Simpsons team could do well to listen to the more common complaints from these loyal fans and try to take it all on board. Many fans are actually talented writers and their fan fiction is probably as good as the current episodes. Why not try something fresh like hosting a competition for the best fan script and actually producing it? There are plenty of ways in which the fans could have their say in the direction of the show and to see them make a significant difference would be very interesting.
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The Simpsons
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Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player. 22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.