Typically, the way the average animated sitcom works is that each episode stands on its own. Whatever happens in an episode is usually contained in just that episode, and any sort of character development means little to nothing in future episodes because it all gets reset at the end anyway. In The Simpsons there are some exceptions though (deaths and marriages, primarily). Wouldn't it be interesting to see something else happen though that sticks around after one episode and actually changes the dynamic of the whole show? After 26 seasons, some aspects of a character's persona or circumstances can truly wear thin, and advancing the plot for them in some way might actually breathe some life into the show. Perhaps Bart or Lisa could advance a grade or two. It would give the show scope to organically introduce some new characters and maybe give you something new to look at every week. Mrs. Hoover is a real bore anyway! There are plenty of examples that could shake things up a little and it'd be refreshing to see the show break the mold a bit in this domain.
Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player.
22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.